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Hey Millenials - Custom Stationery is Way Cool!

Simon Abrahms is a seriously cool guy. A Manhattan based art dealer, he represents glass artists from around the world. If you spend a nano second on his website Chesterfield Gallery you’ll understand the amazing works that fill his world.

Following the recommendation from a good friend of his (who was at Bespoke creating her wedding Save the Date!), Simon buzzed up from the city to meet with us. He wanted stationery that was could take the 3 D nature of glass and express it in 2 D on paper.  Challenge...bring it on. 

 So, we turned to the work of two artists that Simon represents: Christopher Windsor and David Colton.  Using hi-res images of these two works we put them on specialty art paper and created custom envelope liners. And, of course, correspondence cards with Simon's signature new aesthetic. Trust;kk really want to receive a note from Simon!

Just a quick note about David Colton:

"Glass marijuana pipes are one of the most important areas of glass production in the 21st Century. Colton's expressive, abstract pipe, with its graffiti-like form and nearly hidden function, beautifully demonstrates the aesthetic influences and possibilities of this art form."   --Susie J. Silbert, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Glass at The Corning Museum of Glass  

And Christopher Windsor:

"His background in chemical engineering brings a unique perspective to how he views his medium and its limitless bounds. Knowing the chemistry behind the medium has allowed Windsor to experiment with color in ways others have not, playing off its elements in fascinating ways."  -- artists bio

Glass marbles in image from the collection of Shari Lebowitz

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